Hunting in Nepal

Hunting in Nepal

Nepal is a relatively small country, located between India and Tibet. Hunting in Nepal is a dare even for the most brave and experienced mountain hunters, because you will have to go to the highest mountains in the world. This is the only country where you can harvest the Himalayan Tahr in its natural habitat and also get a trophy of a Blue Sheep which lives right below the clouds in the sky.



Hunting in Nepal is open in October - November, and also in March - April.



Day 1

Arrival in Kathmandu, overnight

Day 2

Helicopter transfer to the base camp, 1.5 h. Arrive in Dhorpatan village, start your way up the Sheep Camp. Overnight in a tented camp

Day 3

Arrive to the Sheep Camp

Day 4-8

5-day Blue Sheep hunt

Day 9-10

Hike to the Tahr hunting area

Day 11-13

3-day Himalayan Tahr hunt

Day 14-15

Hike to the helicopter landing spot. Overnight

Day 16

Helicopter transfer to Kathmandu, overnight at the hotel

Day 17

Departure home


Classic spot-and-stalk mountain hunting. You will get up at 4-5 am, have a light breakfast and start off to the hunting area at about 5-6 am. After the morning hunt, you’ll have lunch and rest in the hunting area. The hunt will continue in the afternoon, approximately after 2 pm. In the evening, you will return back to the camp. Three people accompany each hunter. The altitudes are quite impressive; it will be helpful to take mountain disease medicine.

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During the hunt, the hunters stay in small tent camps, each tent for 2 people. Warm mat and sleeping bag are necessary. There are no power generators, cots or stoves in the camps. Each day the hunters return to the camp after hunting.

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Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve: Surtibang, Gustang, Barse & Fagune, Southern areas of Dhorpatan. Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is the only area in Nepal where licensed hunting is allowed.


Reeves Muntjac or Chinese Muntjac or Barking Deer
Himalayan Tahr


Nepal has many marvelous sites and amusements to surprise its guests. Those are the remarkable Buddhist sanctuaries with monkeys residing there, ancient pagodas and the highland capital – the city of Kathmandu. The Chitwan National park offers elephant riding safaris.


“This is no game for the weak-kneed and faint-hearted. Hunter success is not high, not because there aren’t enough sheep but because there aren’t enough people with the temperament to become sheep hunters.”
Jack O’Connor

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the average altitudes of hunting in Nepal?

    Sheep hunting is organized at 13,100-16,400 feet (4,000-5,000 meters). Tahr inhabits altitudes of 6,500-9,850 feet (3,000-4,000 meters).

  • Do I need a visa to travel to Nepal?

    Most visitors can get a visa upon arrival. This includes guests from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, the UK, Ireland, France, Germany and most other Western European countries.

  • Can you import video cameras to Nepal?

    You need a special permit to do that.

  • Can we make the way to the fly camp shorter?

    Yes, in case of need, we are using helicopter charters.

  • Is it possible to arrange some sightseeing in Kathmandu after the hunt?

    Yes, it is. After the hunt, you can stay for some days in Kathmandu and we provide you with a car and city guide.

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